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The Humourless Lot to the Road: thanks, Peter!

by Michael Keizer on March 27, 2009

Humanitarian assistance painting

Some of you might have seen some improvements to this blog: an email form in the ‘about’ page, some explanation around the ‘slightly less humourless search’[1], and some more attention to the download times of the illustrations. All these have been incorporated thanks to critical feedback from fellow blogger and aid blogging guru Peter ‘the Road to the Horizon‘ Casier. High time to put give some praise where praise is due: Peter has been a tireless promotor of aid blogging, coming up with many tools and meta-tools like his aid blog aggregator AidBlogs, his aid news clipper For Those Who Want to Know, and his truly innovative aid news aggregator. And let’s not forget his contributions to the original aid workers community, Aid Workers Network.

All this would be enough to inscribe his name in the annals of the electronic aid community, but apart from that he is a truly supportive guy, who did not hesitate to give me some valuable pointers when I asked him to cast a critical eye on my blog.

So: thanks again, Peter!

(Photo: “Humanitarian assistance” painting by futureatlas.com. Some rights reserved.)


[1] If you wonder what I am talking about, just scroll down a bit and have a look at the bottom of the sidebar.

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