- Mary’s Meals are looking for a logistics manager for Malawi.
- Oxfam GB is looking for a logistics coordinator and a procurement manager for Haiti; and an HSP supply and logistics coordinator (based in their HQ in England).
- IMC is looking for a logistics manager for Haiti, an operations manager for Sudan, and a logistics coordinator for Congo (DRC).
- UNICEF is looking for a logistics manager for Haiti.
- MSH are looking for a technical deputy director for Bangladesh.
- UNFPA is looking for a humanitarian logistics specialist, based in their HQ in New York (USA).
- ACTED is looking for a country logistics manager for Sudan, country logistics & security managers for Chad and Iraq, a logistics intern for Chad, and a pharmaceutical procurement manager for their HQ in Paris (France).
- JSI is looking for a deputy chief of party SCMS for Nigeria, and a supply chain advisor intern.
- Solidarités are looking for a logistics coordinator for Kenya/Somalia; a logistics support officer and a logistician for Haiti; and a flying logistician based in their HQ in France.
- Merlin is looking for a supply chain manager for Pakistan.
- Creative Associates International is looking for a procurement manager for Sudan.
- The British Red Cross is looking for logistics and procurement delegates for Bangladesh and Haiti.
- PSI are looking for an associate procurement & logistics officer, a procurement & logistics officer, and a voluntary pooled procurement & logistics officer, all for their HQ in Washington, D.C. (USA)
- The PNG Advisory Support Facility is looking for a procurement manager and operations advisor.
[Image: Job opportunities by Coffeechica. Some rights reserved.]
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