by Michael Keizer on June 11, 2010
- Crown Agents are looking for senior procurement specialists for their office in Arlington VA (USA) and Malawi; procurement specialists for Mongolia and Malawi; an ARV logistics officer for Botswana; a procurement consultant for Tanzania; a supply chain operations manager for Malawi; an SCMS deputy country director for Rwanda; a logistics assistant for their office in London (UK); public procurement advisors for several countries; and a team leader for Malawi
- Save the Children is looking for an operations director, a senior procurement specialist and two roving logistics specialists for Haiti; a senior manager procurement, contracts and compliance for the West Bank/Gaza; and two senior logistics specialists to be based in Washington DC (USA).
- Maxwell Stamp is looking for a project costing and procurement specialist for Laos
- UNICEF is looking for a procurement assistant for their office in Geneva (Switzerland), a contracts officer for their office in Copenhagen (Denmark), and a supply and logistics specialist for North Korea. Sorry, no links, they still hide their vacancies behind a registration process.
- DanChurchAid is looking for a field logistics officer for Katanga (Congo DRC).
- Merlin is looking for deputy logistics coordinators for Côte d’Ivoire and Congo (DRC); a logistician for Congo (DRC); logistics managers for South Sudan, Kenya, Pakistan, Congo (DRC), and the Central African Republic; a logistics/administration officer for Gode (Ethiopia); senior logisticians for Grand Kru and Montserado (Liberia); and a surge logistics officer for South Sudan.
- JSI is looking for a deputy chief of party SCMS for Nigeria.
- Concern Worldwide is looking for a transport manager for Haiti; an assistant country director systems for Afghanistan; and a general systems manager and a logistics and administration coordinator for Zambia.
- The IRC is looking for logistics managers for Congo (DRC) and Haiti.
- The IFRC is looking for a trainee logistics delegate for based in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), an operation coordinator for Guatemala, a head of support services based in Panama City (Panama), a procurement delegate for Haiti, and a senior procurement officer based in Geneva (Switzerland).
- MSH are looking for a senior program associate – supply planning/MIS/M&E for Bangladesh.
[Image: Job opportunities by Coffeechica. Some rights reserved.]
by Michael Keizer on May 12, 2010
- Mary’s Meals are looking for a logistics manager for Malawi.
- Oxfam GB is looking for a logistics coordinator and a procurement manager for Haiti; and an HSP supply and logistics coordinator (based in their HQ in England).
- IMC is looking for a logistics manager for Haiti, an operations manager for Sudan, and a logistics coordinator for Congo (DRC).
- UNICEF is looking for a logistics manager for Haiti.
- MSH are looking for a technical deputy director for Bangladesh.
- UNFPA is looking for a humanitarian logistics specialist, based in their HQ in New York (USA).
- ACTED is looking for a country logistics manager for Sudan, country logistics & security managers for Chad and Iraq, a logistics intern for Chad, and a pharmaceutical procurement manager for their HQ in Paris (France).
- JSI is looking for a deputy chief of party SCMS for Nigeria, and a supply chain advisor intern.
- Solidarités are looking for a logistics coordinator for Kenya/Somalia; a logistics support officer and a logistician for Haiti; and a flying logistician based in their HQ in France.
- Merlin is looking for a supply chain manager for Pakistan.
- Creative Associates International is looking for a procurement manager for Sudan.
- The British Red Cross is looking for logistics and procurement delegates for Bangladesh and Haiti.
- PSI are looking for an associate procurement & logistics officer, a procurement & logistics officer, and a voluntary pooled procurement & logistics officer, all for their HQ in Washington, D.C. (USA)
- The PNG Advisory Support Facility is looking for a procurement manager and operations advisor.
[Image: Job opportunities by Coffeechica. Some rights reserved.]
by Michael Keizer on May 4, 2010
by Michael Keizer on April 26, 2010
- The Clinton Foundation is looking for a manager access and supply chain for India, procurement analysts for India and the Dominican Republic (volunteer position), a supply chain analyst for Liberia, a logistics analyst for the Dominican Republic (volunteer position), a supply chain manager for the Dominican Republic, and a senior research associate for their operations research team.
- GOAL is looking for logistics coordinators for Haiti and Sierra Leone.
- Solidarités are looking for logistics coordinators for Congo (DRC) and Liberia, a logistician for Congo (DRC), and a logistics support officer for Zimbabwe.
- Merlin is looking for a deputy logistics coordinator for Congo (DRC) and a logistics manager for Haiti.
- Mercy Corps is looking for a director of the Supply Chain Consortium, an organisation set up by Care International, Catholic Relief Services, Mercy Corps and World Vision International to streamline and coordinate their supply chains. This position is based in Singapore.
- UNICEF is looking for a child survival and development (logistics) specialist for Kenya.
- The Malaria Consortium is looking for a field logistics officer for Sudan.
[Image: Job opportunities by Coffeechica. Some rights reserved.]
by Michael Keizer on February 28, 2010

- One that is a bit different from our regular fare: Emory University (Atlanta, USA) is looking for a coordinator, programme logistics to coordinate distribution of a large donation antibiotics for the International Trachoma Initiative.
- IRC is looking for for a senior logistics coordinator for Congo (DRC), a logistics technical specialist for Chad and Congo (DRC), a logistics process and controls documentation consultant for their HQ in the USA, a logistics manager for Haiti, and a logistics coordinator for their refugee programme in the USA.
- Merlin is looking for logisticians for North Maniema, Congo (DRC) and for Haiti/Dominican Republic; logistics coordinators for Liberia, Kenya, Haiti, and Congo (DRC); and a supply chain coordinator for Congo (DRC).
- Oxfam GB is looking for a regional logistics manager for West Africa, based in Dakar (Senegal). Apparently they are also looking for a regional logistics manager for Latin America and the Caribbean and a logistics coordinator for Sudan, but this is not advertised on their own site.
- Save The Children UK is looking for a logistics adviser for Angola. They also seem to be looking for a global supply chain manager (based in the UK), but I cannot locate this vacancy on their site.
- The IMC is looking for logistics coordinators for Haiti and Congo (DRC), and a logistics and commodities officer for their HQ in the USA.
- Management Systems International (MSI) is looking for an administration and logistics coordinator for Afghanistan. They also seem to be looking for a deputy chief of party, finance and logistics management for Afghanistan, but that vacancy is not advertised on their own site.
- The Louis Berger Group is looking for an administration and logistics coordinator for Afghanistan; I suspect that this is the same position that is advertised by MSI. They are also looking for a procurement manager for Afghanistan.
- Intermón Oxfam is looking for a logadmin officer for Abéché (Chad) and a logistics officer for Warrab State (Sudan).
- The American Refugee Committee (ARC) is looking for a logistics and security coordinator for Haiti.
- Apparently, the Samaritan’s Purse is looking for a program manager, logistics for Haiti, but this vacancy is not advertised on their site.
- Populations Services International (PSI) are looking for a consultant, operations and logistics technical advisor for Haiti; and a contracts analyst, a contracts assistant, a senior Zprocurement and logistics officer, a voluntary pooled procurement and logistics officer and a senior ditto, all for the HQ in Washington DC (USA).
- Solidarités are looking for a logistics coordinator, a logistician, and a distribution manager for Haiti; an administrative and logistics coordinator for Zimbabwe, and a logistics and administrative field coordinator for Teknaf (Bangladesh).
- ACTED is looking for logistic interns for Chad and Haiti, country logistic managers for Sudan, Chad and Haiti, and country logistic and security managers for Yemen and Iraq.
- UNICEF are looking for a logistics officer for Sierra Leone, two supply and logistics specialists for Senegal, a senior contracts assistant for their HQ in New York (USA), a logistics specialist for Chad, a procurement assistant – planning for their supply division in Copenhagen (Denmark). As usual, their vacancies are hidden in a password-protected system, so I cannot link. Please don’t forget to bitch about this when applying!
- The British Red Cross is looking for a logistician for their emergency response unit.
Sigh. Did anyone read my earlier rant on bad job advertisement practices?
[Image: Job opportunities by Coffeechica]
by Michael Keizer on January 11, 2010

- Merlin is looking for logisticians for Nyala and Nimule, both in Sudan, a senior logistician/project officer for Lodwar (Kenya), and for a logistics coordinator for Congo (DRC).
- MSH are looking for logistics assistants in Egypt and Congo (DRC), a district logistics specialist for Uganda, a logistics coordinator for Sudan, a logistics manager for Rwanda, a procurement associate for Côte d’Ivoire, a Senior Technical Advisor, Supply Chain Operations for Malawi, and a warehouse manager for Haiti.
- UNICEF is looking for Regional Chief of Supply based in Dakar (Senegal), and a regional cold chain and logistics specialist based in Nairobi (Kenya). And a mini-rant on this one: why on earth does UNICEF hide their vacancies behind a password-protected, registered-applicants only database (so I cannot link to them) – are these vacancies so sensitive? And why post a vacancy on ReliefWeb that is not included in their own database? For such a big organisation, this is really amateur hour.
[Image: Job opportunities by Coffeechica]
by Michael Keizer on January 10, 2010
by Michael Keizer on November 19, 2009
by Michael Keizer on November 10, 2009

by Michael Keizer on November 6, 2009