- Remember my post on how to get patients and health care together? It turns out that I had forgotten one major factor: legal bickering. At least, in Australia.
- Yet another idea to combat counterfeit medicine. Not a bad one as things go, but again missing the poorest. Not that I would know how to do better.
- The UNDP has put out an RFP for ‘the Provision of Services to Strengthen the National Supply Chains for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria Programmes in Northern Sudan’. Section 8 can lead to some interesting issues.
- This year’s Aid & International Development Forum seems to have a lot of logistics subjects, starting with the first session: “Transport – How to achieve effective transport with smaller NGOs”. Could be very interesting if you are anywhere near. If you do go there, please post some feedback here.
- Fast Company showcases eleven designs for when disaster strikes. Unsurprisingly, logistics figures prominently.
- The International Transport Journal writes about aid logistics. It paints an overly rosy picture, but overall it is not a bad introduction into international emergency aid logistics.
[Image: Liquid Links by Desirae; some rights reserved.]
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