Great quote – Logistics for global health and aid - A Humourless Lot

Great quote

by Michael Keizer on February 19, 2009

“Logistics, if it was easy it would be called taxes.”

– Retired Army Lieutenant General Russel Honore, reported by Eric Holdeman at The Disaster Zone.

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MadMolecule April 1, 2009 at 10:12 am

Howdy; I’m the guy who took (and is in) this photo; just found it on a vanity search. Glad you liked it enough to post!


Michael Keizer April 1, 2009 at 10:24 am

Hi Molecule,

It fitted so well with the contents, but apart from that its is a terrific picture as well, of course: well composed and humoristic.

I posted this when I had just started my blog and was a bit less careful about attributions than I am now. So for the record:
“Picture by MadMolecule. Some rights reserved.

And thanks for making your pictures available under a Creative Commons license!


MadMolecule July 14, 2009 at 6:05 am

Unfortunately, I’ve had to start posting photos under copyright now. Not this one; you’re still welcome to use this one. But the photos I post from now on will be. On the bright side, this is because the folks at Getty Images want to sell some of my photos, but they won’t if I’m basically making them available for free.


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